Football ISM was born as a Taylor Made project for Sporting Clube de Portugal. At the time, the Academy Director wanted a system where all the operation of the club would work on, not only focusing on the Sports depart ments, but also on the logistical ones.
ments, but also on the logistical ones.
Gattering all the small details about one of the reference Academies worldwide, we have developed this ERP system for Football Clubs and were ready to launch it to market in April 2018.
In 2019 we started our project with Sevilla FC, 7 times winner of Europa League and a consistent Champions League club.
Being our partner for more than 4 years now, Sevilla FC helped us to improve the system to a whole other level. The benefit for the club is that now, after 4 years, the idea of BIG DATA is here, and the extrapolation of data/predictive modelling is possible, given that they have historical data for more than 4 years,in one single place.
While starting the project with Sevilla FC, we closed a project with a High Intensity Training Center for Olympic Athletes, part of the National Institute of Youth and the Olympic committee in Portugal. The idea was to keep 70% of the system (Medical, Nutrition, Residence, Stocks, Facilities Management…), but to adapt the Training Area, that was Football based. We aimed at individual Sports and also focused a lot on physical training. The project allowed us to improve many aspects on the platform, and will allow us to aim at other Sports and other kind of partner, such as universities and other Olympic Comitees.
Just before Covid, we closed a partnership deal with the USL, in order to provide them a system for national Scouting. This allowed us to improve our Scouting Module, and start getting our first Clients in the USA such as San Diego Loyal. ISM has a big aim at the US market for the upcoming years.
Extending our reach to First division clubs in Portugal, ISM closed a partnership deal with Vitoria SC, a top 5 club in Portugal, and Estoril Praia, which has one of the best youth Academies in the country.
Covid was tough. Tough for everyone. And for us as well. Almost impossible to get new clients, we focused our efforts to improve the system and making sure that when the pandemic ended we were ready for all kinds of clients and clubs.
With a partnership with MBP School of Coaches in Barcelona, we have helped them build the new Academy created by Edmilson Morais, a former World Cup Champion. His idea was to create an Academy from scratch, not only having the best consultancy (MBP), but also the best technology.
For the last 2 years, we have been developing ISM at the Academy.
A new project in Barcelona, with the third best Academy in Cataluña, allowed us to reach out to the Head of Methodology in Venezia FC, former FC Barcelona employee for 10 years. These two clients created many new improvements on the system, and are now fully used by both youth Academies, and also Venezia’s main team.
Welcome Middle East! Welcome UAE! The biggest club in the UAE became a Football ISM Client in August 2022. With many projects and ideas, with many specific developments to be made, ISM is and will for sure improve a lot. Meanwhile we are reaching another area around the globe, that will help us understand its cultural specificities and be able to be completely prepared for new clients in that region! This allow us to translate and prepare the system to Arabic As well!
With the work we have been doing with Sevilla FC, word spread out about the quality of our product and our service. With this, we started a new project with UD Almeria’s youth sector.
This is for what Football ISM is all about. Most of the AMS systems focus a lot on performance and physical data.
We, at ISM, want to have a huge focus on Education. We know that 99,9% of the players are not going to reach the professional level, and we want to guarantee that ISM is a tool that will help Academies such as Right to Dream – Egypt, to follow up their players/students, not only football wize, but also in terms of school grades, nutrition, psychological status.
This project will allow Football ISM to reach a group for the first time, with the Ghana Academy and also FC Norsdjaelland, with the creation of a Master ISM, that will allow for the decision makers and group owners, to have all relevant information on their platform’s profile.
Understanding the difficulty of “closing” a client, given that we needed to convince a lot of people (Coaches, Doctors, Nutritionists, Sports Directors, Presidents…), we decided to create Coach ISM, a B2C platform, directly subscribable here. Cheaper, only for Coaches and Technical Teams, this platform allows to have all technical area that we have at Football ISM on it.
We understand there are other products that have developed such systems, but none with the quantity of expertise and knowledge, based on the experience of top clubs around the world.
With three products, FISM, CISM and SISM, the ecosystem needed representation as an "umbrella" brand: ISM Sports.
In the future, we want our core B2B - Football ISM, to be able to unfold in several other products (B2C): Coach ISM, Nutrition ISM, Medical ISM, and others. We want a nutritionist who uses FootballISM in a partner club, who decides to embrace new challenges, to continue working in the same ecosystem with Nutrition ISM. Or that a Coach who subscribes to the Coach ISM can share his information when he moves to a club that uses Football ISM.
Besides this main structure, we have already launched proposals to create a ISM Fan Engagament, an application for fans with everything they would need, as well as ISM Agency, a specific product for Football Agents and Agencies around the world!
Training Schemes
Training Units
Opponent Analysis
Game File
Game Report
Player Evaluation
Scouting Reports
Technical Area
Health and Welfare
Facilities Management
Stock Management
Individual Training
Facilities Management
Ricardo Amado
>>CTOFilipe Esteves
>>CEOJosé Forjaz
>>Head of BusinessCarlos Valentim
>>Product OwnerJosé Patrício
>>Customer Success ManagerFrancisco Nunes
>>Tech LeaderLET'S TALK!